Director of Upper School

Trent Campus: Grades 9-12
Years of planning and hard work culminate in Epiphany’s Upper School. While continuing with challenging coursework, students begin to prepare themselves for the next level by mastering skills, such as critical thinking, independence, and empathy. Global experiences put these ideas into practical application, as students truly understand their impact on the world around them.

Ryan Seeger

Tammy Ponton
Administrative Assistant to the Middle and Upper Schools; Registrar
Graduation Requirements
A minimum of 27 credits in required courses and electives. Full-year courses (which include almost all core classes) receive 1.0 academic credit, and semester courses receive .5 credit.

Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Some students enroll at Craven Community College through NC’s Career and College Promise Program during their junior and/or senior year. The most popular courses include Writing & Inquiry, Principles of Micro/Macroeconomics, Psychology, and Sociology.
Students also have the option to apply to and enroll in the NC School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) Online Program. This extremely competitive program offers eligible students additional honors/AP-level coursework.
AP Guidelines
Students may take AP courses throughout their Upper School careers but must seek permission to take more than two in a school year. We offer more than a dozen AP classes, including English, history, science, math, and foreign language opportunities.
Students may also take additional AP courses through MSAISnet via NCAIS or other school-approved extension programs.
Sample Schedule
*Varies slightly depending on division.