Our faculty offers a weekly advisory period with time set aside to provide students in the Middle and Upper Schools guidance for academic and college preparation.

Our faculty advisors serve as positive adult mentors, encouraging our students to take the next step in academia, sports, and their passions. They are sympathetic ears for students to talk about the stresses of academics or worries about college in a safe, supportive space.

Each faculty advisor leads about a dozen students in the same grade-level as an "Advisory Group." Each team works together as a group to:

  • Maximize the Epiphany experience

  • Explore different topics

  • Perform community service projects

  • Celebrate one another’s achievements

  • Support one another through setbacks

Advisory groups compete in a fun and positive way to win the Advisory Championship Challenge (ACC). ACC points are awarded to students for:

  • Achieving good grades

  • Logging community service hours

  • Participating in co-curriculars

  • Other various challenges throughout the year

The team with the most ACC points wins the championship prize, which is announced on the school-wide field trip to Camp Seafarer. The winning advisory team also receives a special activity at camp, championship t-shirts, and their photograph hung on the wall at the school.
