Scholarship Opportunities


Priority Deadline - March 1

The North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship ranges from approximately $3,000 to $7,000 and is based on a family's household income. The awarded amount can be used to cover a portion of Epiphany's tuition.

Applications open from February 1 to March 1.


Application Deadline - April 15 (Kindergarten only)

The RSA Scholarship is a partnership between the Nicholas Sparks Foundation and The Epiphany School of Global Studies. If a student is awarded this scholarship, it will follow him/her throughout the K-12 education at Epiphany.

Click here to learn about the eligibility guidelines. To apply, check the RSA box on the application.

Tuition Assistance

Application Deadline - April 15 (Preference for Grades 6-12)

The Epiphany School of Global Studies collaborates with the FACTS Tuition Management website when making financial aid decisions.

FACTS is a web-based, independent financial aid service for independent schools that require specific financial information as part of a process that will help to inform the decision on how much a family can fairly afford, such as:

  • Bank statements

  • Tax filings

  • Home ownership information

  • Savings accounts

  • Other necessary financial information

Once “affordability" is established, the information is forwarded to the family. The school also receives the information and makes an evaluation based on three factors:

  • The amount requested

  • The financial aid available

  • Number of students applying

An offer is then submitted to the family. Click here for a link to the FACTS website.

The Epiphany School of Global Studies will offer Tuition Assistance to a limited number of students, with preference for students entering grades 6-12 on a financial needs basis. The maximum award is limited to 50% of the tuition. To be considered students must complete the FACTS application as well as the Epiphany Application process and be enrolled. 

Interested applicants can apply for Tuition Assistance through FACTS Management. To obtain more information please call Nancy Coughlin at 252-638-0122 Ext: 123.

In early May a committee made up of the Head of School, Director of Finance, and other members of the Leadership Team will meet to determine the following year’s recipients based on a set of criteria including financial need (as determined by FACTS).